Chapter 17: He Should Be Thanking Us

Zhang Chi had calculated a lot, but he didn't expect his master to step in.

Everything had gone according to plan until the last step, when it suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Zhang Chi found himself in a dilemma for a moment.

If he followed his master, he wouldn't be able to taste the delicious treat in front of him and it would be eaten by someone else. How could he bear that?

But if he didn't follow his master, it would make it seem like he was deliberately trying to take advantage of the situation.

It would either reveal that he had feelings for Tang Ruoling, or it would make him appear to lust after Tang Ruoling's body.

In either case, his fan girls and his master would be angry.

Luckily, at this moment, Tang Feng's long-disconnected IQ finally returned to his brain.

He had to face this reality. If he didn't want his daughter to die, she would have to harmonize yin and yang with a man.

No matter what, she was bound to marry that person eventually.

If that person wasn't Zhang Chi, that person would always know that Zhang Chi saved Tang Ruoling. Although nothing substantial happened, they were very close, and it would be hard to claim innocence.

In that case, Tang Ruoling might be looked down upon in the future.

With that in mind, it was better to let Zhang Chi take care of everything.

Tang Feng had high hopes for Zhang Chi. He had good character, high talent, and relatively high status. Plus, he saved Tang Ruoling's life. If not him, then who?

Jiang Qingyun was somewhat reluctant, but Tang Feng didn't care about that anymore. All he wanted was to secure Zhang Chi's agreement.

"Nephew, you should save her completely. You've seen Ruoling's situation. Can you bear to sit by and do nothing?"

As soon as Tang Feng opened his mouth, Zhang Chi was relieved.

He immediately put on a troubled expression and looked at Jiang Qingyun.

Seeing that Zhang Chi was hesitant to agree, Tang Feng became anxious.

"Nephew, just now you touched some places you shouldn't have while trying to detoxify Ruoling. Who else can I marry her off to?"

"You mean, you're trying to pin this on Zhang Chi!?"

Jiang Qingyun was furious, and his gaze towards Zhang Chi was filled with annoyance.

You see? Master warned you not to be a hero, but you didn't listen, and now you're entangled!

Zhang Chi's gaze drifted over Chen Yurun. In the moment their eyes met, Chen Yurun's eyes clearly pleaded for him not to agree.

"Valley Master Tang, actually... I already have someone in my heart."

With these words, the gossip-hungry crowd was instantly set ablaze.

Jiang Qingyun recalled Zhang Chi's gaze just now and felt a wave of panic in his heart.

He wasn't talking about me, was he?

Chen Yurun thought the same thing.

Senior Brother has a secret crush on me?

The more she thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed. Ever since she had joined the sect, Senior Brother had always taken good care of her.

Although he took care of every junior brother and junior sister, she felt that she was different.

Moreover, just now Senior Brother had clearly glanced at her. Was he seeking her opinion?

Chen Yurun became more and more excited as she thought about it.

The one who least wanted to hear about the gossip was Tang Feng.

If Zhang Chi already had someone in mind, what would happen to his daughter?

At this point, all he could do was try to persuade Zhang Chi.

"It's normal for a man to have multiple wives and concubines. Don't worry, when Ruoling wakes up, I'll help you persuade her. It won't affect your pursuit of other Dao companions."

Seeing how eager he was to secure Zhang Chi, Gu Youyou couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him.

He had been fooled by Zhang Chi into quarreling with the Grand Elder, fooled into leading the charge, fooled into being a witness, and now he was even begging Zhang Chi to take his daughter.

"You really took advantage of him."

"He should be thanking us!"

Zhang Chi responded in his heart, but on the surface, he said seriously, "Valley Master Tang, your words are too heavy. Miss Tang's poison could have been cured. Though it was an accident, I should still bear some responsibility.

I will help her detoxify."

Jiang Qingyun: "!!"

Chen Yurun: "!"

They all wanted Zhang Chi not to agree, but Zhang Chi just glanced at them, then picked up the increasingly breathless Tang Ruoling and headed for the basement.

Seeing this, Tang Feng also tactfully began to clear the scene. He let unrelated people leave first, and then he discussed the marriage alliance with Jiang Qingyun.

"Sect Leader Jiang, I am really sorry, but I have no choice.

Your disciple is virtuous and noble, which really makes me feel ashamed."

Jiang Qingyun's nails were about to break the flesh of her palm, but she could only bear it.

Her cold expression said, "It's my rebellious disciple who is too upright, and he voluntarily agreed to it, so I can't blame you for this."

Jiang Qingyun regretted that she had previously taught Zhang Chi to be too upright, and it could not be changed in a day or two.

He had become accustomed to taking responsibility upon himself and sharing the benefits with everyone.

Zhang Chi's words just now, Jiang Qingyun also understood.

It was nothing more than feeling that he had some responsibility for Tang Ruoling's poison entering her heart and that he could not stand idly by.

Therefore, even with love in his heart, he had to let go temporarily.

Zhang Chi's last glance made her heartache,

Things between them had never begun but had already come to an end.

All because of Zhou Ran!

If it hadn't been for him to interrupt Zhang Chi's attempt to detoxify Tang Ruoling, they wouldn't have come to this!

If he hadn't acted recklessly tonight, none of this would have happened.

Zhang Chi could have saved Tang Ruoling without any setbacks, successfully obtained half of the assets from Spirit Medicine Valley, and everything could have remained the same as before.

Jiang Qingyun's anger grew as she thought about it, and the murderous expression in her eyes was impossible to hide.

Zhou Ran, who was being escorted back to the mountain by the Grand Elder and other elders, couldn't help but feel fear, as if a stab in the back was about to occur.

Grandpa, save me!

He subconsciously moved closer to the Grand Elder, only to be disdainfully pushed away by him.

You fool, don't come near me!

The Grand Elder secretly made a decision in his heart: as soon as they returned, he would start training another disciple, this one was a waste and couldn't be used anymore.

Tang Feng had originally wanted to come and talk to Jiang Qingyun about Zhang Chi and Tang Ruoling's marriage, but now he didn't dare to make any moves and could only awkwardly go over to chat with the young disciples.

"Thank you, Miss, for speaking up for Zhang Chi just now. I'm here to thank you on his behalf."

Upon hearing this, Chen Runyu, who was already unhappy, became even more unhappy.

Is he already putting on the attitude of a father-in-law?

What relationship do I have with Senior Brother that needs you to thank me on his behalf?

"Hmph, don't mention it! Let's go!"

Chen Runyu didn't want to stay in this sad place any longer. Just now, Senior Brother couldn't bear to look at her, and she could understand his difficulties.

Despite this, watching Zhang Chi holding another woman and entering the secret room, knowing what was going to happen next, she didn't want to think about it anymore.

Let's leave now!

Tang Feng: "..."

The people of the Great River Sword Sect are all so short-tempered.

Fortunately, Zhang Chi is kind, gentle, and courteous, unlike the others.

They're either greedy for fame and fortune, have bad tempers, or are impolite.

Only Zhang Chi can be said to be unstained by all this.

Thinking that he now has such a good son-in-law, Tang Feng didn't take Chen Runyu's rudeness to heart.

Little did he know that his laughter had angered Chen Runyu even more.

He's provoking me!

Hmph, your daughter may get my Senior Brother's body, but she'll never get his heart!

Just then, the ground suddenly shook, and a faint sense of a stable frequency of impact could be felt coming from underground.

Chen Runyu was immediately stunned, are they really that intense?