Chapter 22: The Great Spirit Stones Thief

Spirit stones are the universal currency of this world and have a wide range of uses.

Setting up an array requires spirit stones, activating large magical weapons requires spirit stones, and sometimes refining tools and pills also require spirit stones for catalysis.

Spirit stones can also be used for cultivation, but most of the time, cultivators would not be so extravagant.

One can absorb the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth, and apart from some areas with insufficient spiritual energy, it is basically enough to meet the daily cultivation needs, although the efficiency is a bit low.

Zhang Chi did not need to use spirit stones before.

But after his spiritual roots were replenished, the efficiency of absorbing the spiritual energy increased too much, causing the spiritual energy of that area to be insufficient for his cultivation, making it very uncomfortable.

Gu Youyou went out for a while and returned with a full load.

Thinking that having too many spirit stones would take up space and it would be troublesome if someone saw them later, she decided to remove the bed and bury the excess spirit stones under it.

She has seen Zhang Chi do it many times before, so she naturally knows how to do it.

Moreover, she even set up a simple concealing array on the surface so that the things below would not be discovered unless they were dug up.

But this time she stole a bit too much, and there was not enough space under the bed, so she had to put some on the bed as well, and then began cultivating while sitting cross-legged.

She spent more time stealing tonight, so no need to go out tomorrow.

When Gu Youyou's "online" time ran out, Zhang Chi naturally woke up as well.

He woke up to find that it was almost dawn.

He couldn't remember how he had fallen asleep the night before, which meant that as long as the time was up, the second personality could take over his body.

Moreover, he did not voluntarily relax and let the second personality wake up; when the second personality took over his body, he would not be able to see what was happening.

This was not good news.

Zhang Chi did not dare to delve deeper. Since he could not prevent the second personality from taking over his body, he could not have any thoughts about the second personality before cultivating his Divine Soul.

Moreover, the second personality's Divine Soul might be even more powerful than his.

Before having absolute strength, he still had to get along with the second personality in a friendly way.

Zhang Chi thought so in his heart, but when he casually put his hand aside and saw the pile of spirit stones on the bed, he couldn't help but complain, "You've seen me deal with the booty before, don't always leave it on the bed, what if someone sees it?"

The spirit stones on the bed were of very good quality, and as an ordinary disciple, the quality of spirit stones he could receive each month was the most common.

It was obvious that these spirit stones were the second personality's masterpieces. Fortunately, there were not too many of them, so there should not be any major problems.

Zhang Chi didn't blame the second personality for loving to steal things, but the booty should be hidden well.

He couldn't lose his Senior Brother status just for a little bit of profit.

Hearing Zhang Chi's complaint, the second personality who had been busy all night was very angry, thinking, does this guy think I'm an idiot?

"I hid it, but there's not enough space under the bed!"


At this moment, Zhang Chi's forehead twitched, and a bad feeling immediately rose in his heart.

As expected, it wasn't long before a series of footsteps approached.

"Senior Brother, the Sect Leader is inviting you to Jianghe Hall for a meeting."

Here we go, the familiar rhythm is back again.

Zhang Chi suppressed the urge to cover his face and went out with a calm and composed look.

"The Sect Leader has given his order, Senior Brother can go to Jianghe Hall by sword control."

Zhang Chi: "..."

Even last time when Tang Ruoling was kidnapped, they weren't in such a hurry!

What kind of big trouble has he gotten into now?

Zhang Chi's scalp tingled, but he followed the instructions and took off on his sword.

Only when he flew did he realize how dense and solid his True Qi was, even stronger than that of an ordinary Foundation Establishment Stage.

Was this the result of the second personality's work in just one night?

Thinking about it, Zhang Chi stopped complaining.

Second, rest assured that I'll handle the aftermath!

Zhang Chi has already gotten used to dealing with the aftermath, and this time, he would definitely try his best to settle things peacefully.

At this moment, the atmosphere in Jianghe Hall was much more solemn than the last time.

Several leaders of the Hezuo Alliance had already arrived, but the meeting hadn't started yet.

Zhang Chi stood in a corner after finding a spot, and he didn't forget to salute the elders one by one.

After a while, the leaders of Pill Hall and Refining Equipment Pavilion also arrived. Jiang Qingyun declared, "Everyone's here, Lord Cao, please tell everyone about what happened last night!"

When Zhang Chi heard this, he knew for sure that the theft of spirit stones must have escalated.

Hezuo Alliance had a vein of spirit stones, and it was the responsibility of Spirit Stone Cave to manage the mining and distribution.

The disciples of Spirit Stone Cave were responsible for mining, and then exchanging the mined stones with other forces within the Hezuo Alliance.

Of course, this was done at an internal price.

Thirty percent of the stones were given to the Sword Sect, who provided most of the Hezuo Alliance's military power and protection for Spirit Stone Cave.

Pill Hall and Refining Equipment Pavilion each received twenty percent, but they were expected to buy a certain amount of pills and magical weapons from the Alliance in return.

Although this was a forced transaction, at least they received something in exchange.

The remaining thirty percent was divided, with ten percent going to the Spirit Stone Cave and the remaining twenty percent used to buy other sects' resources at a relatively fair price.

Even though Spirit Stone Cave only got ten percent of the income, others still envied it!

All spirit stone output of Spirit Stone Cave was temporarily stored in its warehouse, which was heavily guarded with warning array formations inside and out.

In addition, an elder at the Divine Soul Realm sent by the Sword Sect was stationed there, along with several dozens of Foundation Establishment Disciples who patrolled the area.

But last night, the warehouse was robbed.

Lord Cao was the head of Spirit Stone Cave, Cao Yan. He looked very nervous and said with a trembling voice after saluting the other leaders, "Last night, a thief broke into the warehouse and stole 500,000 spirit stones."


As soon as Cao Yan finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

The vein of Spirit Stone Cave produced only two million spirit stones annually, and now a quarter of it was gone. Who could bear this loss?

Naturally, the most indignant ones were the Sword Sect, Pill Hall, and Refining Equipment Pavilion, who had the largest share of spirit stones. They had lost 350,000 of the missing 500,000!

Perfected Chihuo, the Hall Master of Pill Hall, couldn't sit still any longer.

"Is this true?"

Cao Yan hurriedly replied, "Elder Qing Hui can testify to this."

Elder Qing Hui was the one sent by the Sword Sect to guard the warehouse, and he was also at the scene when it happened.

He looked very calm and said as he stepped forward, "There were no fluctuations in the array last night, and I didn't notice any abnormalities. It wasn't until this morning when we took inventory that we discovered that almost half of the warehouse was empty, and we roughly estimated that there were 500,000 stolen spirit stones."

This meant that the actual loss might be even more than 500,000 spirit stones.

Zhang Chi's scalp went numb, and his heart trembled with shock.

What did 500,000 spirit stones mean?

A spirit stone was about the size of a ping-pong ball and had an irregular shape.

Considering Second didn't have a storage tool, how did he manage to transport so many spirit stones?

"Why didn't you steal less? Now you're in big trouble!"

Zhang Chi was already calculating how to run away.

An incident involving 500,000 spirit stones was not something he could simply talk his way out of.

The Hezuo Alliance would thoroughly investigate the matter and not give up until they found the spirit stones.

At that time, all underhanded tactics would be useless, and it would be better to escape directly.

Gu Youyou was also shocked.

"I stuffed 500,000 spirit stones into two hemp bags?"