Chapter 27: Tang Ruoling Goes Down the River

As per Zhang Chi's request, Tang Ruoling had already arrived.

Having heard about the Spirit Stone Cave case from Tang Feng, Tang Ruoling had prepared the medicine before setting off.

Having decided to take action against Zhang Chi tonight, she naturally had to make some preparations in advance.

Last time, caught off guard, she was schemed against by Zhang Chi, which rattled her soul. By the time she was bound and her spiritual power sealed, there was no room for resistance.

Now, with the Demon Seed in Zhang Chi's hands, she had to be more cautious.

Her first step to act against Zhang Chi was to retrieve the Demon Seed.

For this, she prepared a potent aphrodisiac for Zhang Chi that was very difficult to detect. Once Zhang Chi was drugged, wouldn't he be at her mercy?

After extracting the seed through surgery later, she would throw Zhang Chi into the sheep pen at the Spirit Beast Workshop. She wanted Zhang Chi to personally experience the suffering she had endured.