Chapter 199: Run Away, Run Away Quickly

Inside Long Yi's sleeping chamber, Long Yan brought a bowl of Solid Foundation and Nourishing Element soup.

Having ruled the Long River Alliance for so many years, the Hua Long Palace had collected a lot of good things.

Now that Long Yi had met with trouble, naturally, they would use whatever medicine they had.

The spiritual medicine didn't need to be refined into pills; it could be deployed by boiling it into a soup. The green liquid in the bowl emitted a faint, fragrant scent, and you could tell it was a powerful supplement at a glance.

Long Yi took the soup casually but didn't drink it immediately. Instead, he asked, "The ban on Hua Long Palace has been lifted, why don't you go find Zhang Chi and tell him about you two becoming Dao companions?"

Hearing this, Long Yan's face turned red again.

She had impulsively agreed to become Dao companions with Zhang Chi, but upon reflection, she recalled that he had mentioned a fake marriage, to be reconsidered later.