Chapter 255: Cunning Fish and Silly Bone

The secret that Hong Li shared with Zhang Chi could shake the entire world of cultivation.

Gu Youyou, who had seen and experienced a lot within the Demon Clan, had never come across such an amazing technique.

When she thought about it carefully, the concept was truly incredible. What kind of genius would be able to create such a technique?

"I don't know who could have such a brilliant and outstanding idea."

Gu Youyou sighed in her heart, admiration spontaneously welling up within her.

"If I could live in the same era as that person, I would definitely ask for their guidance."

Fighting-crazed Gu Youyou longed for worthy opponents.

Zhang Chi spread his hands, noncommittal.

Fighting with others might be a way to hone oneself, but Zhang Chi just didn't like that approach.

Of course, once his strength was sufficient, he might feel differently.

Right now, his main concern was to steadily increase his cultivation.