Chapter 258: Beast Tide

The Sea Demon Clan was coming with unstoppable momentum.

Ao Mo had already made up his mind, even if it meant starting a war and becoming a sinner of the Sea Demon Clan, he was determined to seek justice for his children.

At least, he had to free his daughter.

No matter who dared to imprison his daughter, they would have to face his wrath!

Ao Mo did not go ashore, he only gathered endless waves along the coast.

As long as he launched the attack, the sea would surge against the Long River's current, causing disaster in the entire Panlong River Basin.

Cultivators might be able to escape the calamity, but those with insufficient cultivation were bound to die.

The reason he did not do this was that Ao Mo was also prepared for negotiation.

Avenging his son was important, but his daughter's life was even more important.

Reaching the coastline, Ao Mo finally used the sharp Sea Demon's Sound to speak.