Chapter 261: Long Yi: Speechless

Long Yi was indeed a powerful ruler, both in combat and politics.

He quickly identified the identity of the hidden mastermind and could roughly guess with great accuracy.

"To scheme against me, they truly do not know the meaning of death. If it weren't for..."

Long Yi whispered to himself but didn't say anything he shouldn't have. At this moment, hurried footsteps were approaching, and Long Yan soon arrived outside the hall.

"Father, Long Yan requests an audience."

"Come in!"

Long Yi concealed the ferocity on his face, revealing a gentle smile.

Long Yan hurriedly entered the hall and reported: "Father, did you hear about the recent disturbance?"

Long Yi nodded: "I am aware."

"Father, that person…"

"I merely injured her, I didn't stop her from leaving."

As soon as Long Yan spoke, Long Yi knew what she wanted to say.

This was for more efficient communication.

"What do you think I should do about this, Yan'er?"

Long Yan: "..."

She didn't know.