Chapter 350: Fast Profits

When Ao Long found out that the West Emperor really had the Eighteen Rotations dual cultivation method, she was dumbfounded.

Wasn't this a bad thing?

Ao Long was a Demon Emperor powerhouse, after all, and Gu Youyou wanted the dual cultivation method and asked her to capture powerful women in terms of mental strength. Wasn't she a powerful woman in terms of mental strength?

Moreover, she also carried Dragon Blood. If Gu Youyou got this dual cultivation method, wouldn't she be the first one to suffer?

At this moment, Ao Long was filled with regret.

If she had known this, she would have never thought of coming to West Emperor Palace.

She originally thought that the dual cultivation method of replenishment should be most likely to be mastered by humans, as Demon Clans relied entirely on instinct and were far inferior to humans in terms of magical techniques.

Unexpectedly, the West Emperor really had it.

"This... the technique is precious, I can't just take it for free!"