Chapter 389: Zhen Shan Takes Action Again

Seeing that Zi Mian had completed her transformation and then un-transformed, Zhang Chi's mouth was practically watering.

Coach, I want to change my profession.

As for sword cultivation?

No one plays with it.

Zhang Chi's eyes were filled with envy. What young man wouldn't want to pilot a Gundam?

"How about it, Master? This is my Lifebound Puppet, made with Sea Bottom Flame Ice Stone as its core. It can bear two Divine Abilities, ice and fire."

Zi Mian said somewhat proudly.

She had indeed become quite skilled in the field of Puppet Technique.

There were many people in this world who practiced Puppet Technique, but generally speaking, they only reached the stage Zi Mian was at before.

Once a person has Divine Abilities, and their puppets don't, Divine Ability Level battle puppets are basically just fodder.

They are simply made of some slightly harder materials, able to withstand a little more, which is the final purpose of puppets.