Chapter 539 After-effects_2

So, after a sleep, she was fine.

Of course, she shouldn't use her unique secret technique again in the short term.

Both of them had woken up, but Zhang Chi hadn't.

The mood at the scene was somewhat solemn.

They all stayed by Zhang Chi's side, feeding him a little tonic medicine every day.

Finally, on the third Secret Realm Day, Zhang Chi opened his eyes.

Zhang Chi felt that he had slept for a long time, and upon opening his eyes, he found his wives all around him, which made him intuitively feel a bit uneasy.

Everyone was together; there wasn't a battlefield among them, was there?

It seemed there wasn't.

Good, I'm weak, I can only play dead now.

Zhang Chi intended to pretend for a bit, but when he tried to get up, he found his body was exceptionally heavy, and he had hardly any strength—even propping his body up was impossible.

Jin Ling'er reacted the fastest and promptly supported Zhang Chi.