Chapter 571: I Can Tell With One Glance That You Are Not Human_1

The White Fog transformed into Gray Mist, looking far more terrifying than before.

The Demon Clan looked at each other in dismay, unsure of what was happening.

But they were all accomplished Demons in their cultivation, not so insensitive as to miss the sense of crisis the Gray Mist was bringing.

It was very likely that should they charge in, they would perish within.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately! We can't deal with this thing. Let's set aside our hatred for the Demon Clans for now and seek a partnership with them!"

Black Lotus once again made an outrageous suggestion, but this time, no one opposed her.

The reason was simple; the Gray Mist was spreading quickly, infecting the White Fog and turning it gray.

With one stricken with gray nail, the infection spread to two others.

Just one Demon entered, but that alone caused all the White Fog to undergo a transformation.