Chapter 34, The Power of Pure Yang Aggressive Aura

The moment he entered the fourth layer, Lu Yun's first reaction was to investigate the surrounding environment.

It was still a vast wasteland, shrouded in dark clouds and fog, with limited visibility.

So far, the environment within the space of the first to fourth floors of the Myriad Phenomena Tower was like this.

The empty and silent space was filled with black mist slowly drifting, as if the entire fourth floor was gradually moving.

Da da!

Lu Yun took a few slow steps forward, and the crisp sound of footsteps echoed in his ears.

Suddenly, at this moment, there appeared a dozen pairs of lantern-like red lights in the darkness in the distance, and as Lu Yun scanned them, he held the hilt of his saber tightly in his right hand.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The red lanterns seemed to have spotted Lu Yun and almost simultaneously began to move toward him at high speed.

In a short while, the red lanterns gradually became clearer.