Chapter 45, Spoils

The Village Chief of Black Tiger Village screamed in pain, sweat the size of beans forming on his forehead, his eyes filled with stars, looking incredibly painful.

Even so, his strong willpower made him grip his tiger-head broadsaber tightly.

"Impossible, how can you be so powerful!"

He held the tiger-head broadsaber in one hand and pressed his bleeding waist with the other, staring at Lu Yun incredulously.

Lu Yun ignored his words, glanced back and forth between the Village Chief's tiger-head broadsaber and the broken blade in his hand, and shook his head.

He then advanced with cold eyes, blood dripping from the broken blade.

"What are you all waiting for, hurry up and kill him!"

The Village Chief of Black Tiger Village, Song Xing, shouted loudly at the bandits behind him.

However, when he looked back, the bandits in the Hall of Loyalty and Righteousness were either trembling in fear or lying in pools of blood.