Chapter 105, Sixth Rank Demon Beasts_2

There was a mournful cry as one of the Demon Beasts that could fly through the sky was shot and killed on the spot. Its blood spurted out, as its massive body fell from the sky.

"The entire army, charge!"

A warrior from the Golden Body Realm coldly ordered as his forces, already lined up on the left and right outside the city, initiated their charge.


The cry to kill vibrated across the landscape, resounding through the heavens, as if tearing bedtime asunder.

"Arrows away!"

The commander in charge of maintaining the Breaking God Crossbows instructed at the same time.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Over two hundred Breaking God Crossbows were fired at once. Arrows thick as pillars flew out, instantly crossing over the city walls, passing over the heads of the soldiers, and raining down on the Demon Beast army like a deluge.

For a moment, countless bodies of Demon Beasts were skewered, with blood splattering out in a horrific scene.