Chapter 123: Pill Patterns, Second Grade Alchemist

The sand in the hourglass poured out like water, and time slowly slipped away.

Having finished the Body Tempering Pill in advance, Lu Yun had nothing to do for the moment, so he slowly surveyed the other examinees around him.

His gaze eased off of Di Ruoling, the young girl, and moved over to No.3 compartment's examinee.

No.3 was a young man around twenty-five years old, now fully focused on controlling the heat and purifying the last spirit herb.

At a glance, Lu Yun could tell that it was a Jade Skin Grass, which requires a higher level of control over heat.

Too low heat would fail to refine it.

Too high heat could instantly turn it to ashes.

Hence, one cannot proceed with refinement and purification without strong control over the heat.

No.3 clearly understood this and was being very careful and cautious in his operation.