Chapter 127: Aggressive Aura Limit, Root Bone Enhancement

The next day, as soon as Lu Yun arrived at Bright Sun Palace, he was informed by Steward Feng that his monthly pill refining quota had been forcibly doubled.

Upon hearing this news, Lu Yun was somewhat astonished.

The purpose of his visit this time was to request more pill refining quotas.

However, he never expected that, without even having to ask for it, his quota would be increased by force.

It's impossible for him not to be excited about this.

"Steward Feng, actually, it would be better to triple or quadruple it. I feel that I can handle it," Lu Yu said earnestly, his eyes wide with anticipation.

Upon hearing this, Steward Feng's face instantly changed to one of surprise, but it immediately transformed into a smile.

He knew very well about Lu Yun's success rate in pill refining.

"Hahaha, of course you can, Alchemist Lu. How many quotas do you want?" he asked.

"Can I have any number I want?"