Chapter 170

Logan stood up and walked over, taking out the divine weapon gifted to him by the System. Ignoring the previous fight with the black-clothed man, this would be his first battle in the Instance World.

He didn't want to get involved with the Throne Strong Individual, but if a battle was unavoidable, Logan wouldn't back down. The essence of fighting is a person's determination; if you're afraid, how can you advance your cultivation?

As Logan stared at him, Cloud upon the Sea unexpectedly began to waver. Why did Logan's gaze seem so terrifying? It wasn't like that of a Mythical Grade; even his father never gave him this feeling.

But Cloud upon the Sea suppressed his fear and spoke out, "You hold off this guard while I kill Logan personally. With my middle-ranking Overstep strength, killing a mere Mythical Grade should be easy."