In the center of the secret room, there was an ancient book placed on a table, rusted and seemingly very old, which made Logan feel puzzled. Could this be the opportunity left by the Sanctuary Powerhouse?

As he opened the book, there wasn't a single word inside, as if it were a wordless heavenly book.

Moreover, there was nothing else in the secret room. Logan searched several times but found no anomalies. Finally, he reluctantly gave up and focused on studying the wordless heavenly book.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to Logan, "If I infuse Spiritual Power into it, would it reveal the text on the pages? After all, the book has been around for so long that it has lost its spiritual essence."

As soon as Logan infused the Spiritual Power, the book flashed a golden light and instantly disintegrated into dust. The characters left lingering in the air for a moment before disappearing.