Chapter 467: The Great Fate Technique

The ten people gasped in shock. Logan had already killed two of them, and if this trend continued, the odds were not in favor of the ten of them.

Therefore, they couldn't help but retreat, but it was this very fear that made Logan even more aggressive, making the ten of them utterly unable to withstand a single blow.

The leader scolded, "We can't retreat anymore, otherwise all ten of us will fall. If we all fight with all our might, we will have a great chance of winning."

This made sense. After all, it was ten people against one. So what if Logan had an Emperor Weapon? He was not a true Saint Emperor Realm.

"Right, let's attack together!"

At this critical juncture, the ten Sanctuary Powerhouses spoke in unison. In their eyes, there was profound awe for Logan's powerful force, but more than that, there was a fervent desire to survive. Fear would only lead to a crushing defeat. Only by standing united could they find a glimmer of hope in despair.