Chapter 475: The Eight Hundred Malevolent Bodhisattvas_2

The masked leader sneered contemptuously and berated, "As the captain of the Wexler Clan's Death Warriors, I represent our Family Clan and am here to take your life officially."

Snow Wood faced death with equanimity, her gaze fixed on the hundred-plus masked assailants, "My strength is at the Saint Seat Seventh Level, and if I fight to the death, I might carve out a bloody path for myself. Moreover, we are only ten miles from Heavenly Moon City, and with the speed at the Saint Seat Seventh Level, a minute is enough to reach the city gates."

Once she utilized her Divine Skill, she could forcibly raise her Realm to the Eighth Level. Facing these hundred men would subject her to a great backlash, but at this juncture, Snow Wood had no other choice.

"Arrange the array," commanded the masked leader. The hundred people pooled their strength into one, suddenly elevating their leader's strength to that of a Half-step Saint Emperor and increasing the pressure on the resolute Snow Wood.