578 Chapter: Forty Thousand Years of Earth Immortal!

The two didn't dwell on it any longer and took Logan back to the military camp.

The immediate priority was to let this man heal his injuries, after all, whether it was intentional or unintentional, he had just been possessed by the Male Lead.

So if he showed any other abnormalities upon awakening, they would need to check in time.

The two hesitated for a moment and didn't report the incident to the others in the Upper World, opting to investigate the matter thoroughly before reporting it.

Otherwise, if they stirred up the older generation from the last session and caused a big fuss, only to discover that it was all a misunderstanding, they would certainly be blamed.

Logan had been possessed by the Male Lead and had been wallowing in a dream for a long time without waking up, but in the dream, he saw his Master, the Male Lead.

The Male Lead sat casually on a halo of white light and after examining Logan carefully, making sure his spirit had not been damaged, he finally spoke.