Chapter 105: It's Good to Be Alive_2

The fourth general, General Tuo of Zhou Youguo, was responsible for assisting others to escape smoothly when the Qian Ju was exposed and they faced powerful enemies.

The fifth general, Wind General Liang Meiying, was in charge of collecting various intelligence beforehand, as well as monitoring and watching after the start of the Qian Ju, serving as one of the controllers of the scene.

The sixth general, Fire General Yan Pu, was the martial force among the Eight Generals of Thousand Sects. Although all the Eight Generals were strong cultivators of the Fetal Movement Realm, most of them were not skilled in combat. Fire General Yan Pu was the strongest fighter among them, so today, after Shu Guan knocked down Yan Pu with a punch, none of the people in Qin Sulan's room dared to move.