Chapter 119: Arrival of the Tree World, Jiang Ming's First Battle

Qin Family.

Many family elders sat together, and in front of them was a huge projection screen displaying the event. Some were eating exquisite snacks, sipping tea, leisurely watching and chatting cheerfully.

At any angle, they looked like the old aristocratic masters.

"This generation is truly extraordinary, with countless talents surpassing their predecessors. It's not an exaggeration to call them the Golden Generation. They might not see such a spectacle for a long time."

"Yeah! Our little Yi made it into the top hundred! What does that mean? It means he can stand alongside the best of the best, and he is destined to stand above the world in the future!"

"Indeed, indeed! This also proves that our Qin Family will continue to flourish."

"Once little Yi enters the Saint Academy, with so many classmates and friends, his future will be even brighter, and the prestige of our Qin Family will prosper even more!"