Chapter 151: Explode, and Reappear the Heaven Creation Skill_2

Body Refinement, Eighth Realm.

Unrivaled defense.

Almost an indestructible physique, yet it couldn't withstand Jiang Ming's punch, exploding into a cloud of blood mist.

Fragments of broken bones flew everywhere, piercing countless attackers.

Feeling the commotion behind them, Luo Feng and Ye Bai turned their heads, their pupils contracting in shock.

"Jiang Ming, you exploded him?"

Ye Bai exclaimed.

He knew very well the Great Monk's power–terrifyingly strong and difficult to harm. Even as a Holy Body, he had only recently entered the Seventh Realm, and though he could suppress the powerful in battle, killing was difficult.

But such a terrifying existence had been exploded?

"Brother Jiang, you're still so monstrous!" Luo Feng's mouth twitched, " I originally thought I had improved fast enough in the last three years to really compete with you, but it seems the gap has only widened!"

He had to truly admit it.