Chapter 156: Master Sighs Once

Chen Bei's aura was soaring wildly, and a vague world scene appeared above his head, which trembled slightly, possessing the formidable power to pulverize the sky.

"He's broken through!"

Luo Feng said.

His expression was somewhat complicated, as he had thought that he would be the first among them to break through, after all, both his mental and martial arts have reached the peak of the Seventh Realm.

But Chen Bei took the lead and stepped forward.

With their talent and special abilities, once they step into the Eighth Realm, they can definitely compete with Emperor Pino. After all, they are among the most talented individuals among humanity.

"He has indeed broken through." Jiang Ming looked at Chen Bei's head, his eyes piercing, and the light of wisdom flowing in them, seeing through the appearance and into the essence.

He also sensed the oscillation of the World Mirage.

After some time, a peculiar rhythm rippled around his body.