Chapter 167: Heavenly Way, Human Way, Ruthless Way

Ren Tianxing is now very strong, extremely strong, even capable of instant teleportation, unrivaled in speed.

Even with his abilities, he had almost met his end.

Moreover, he had gotten involved with Yan Jiu, who ranked in the top twenty during the Grand Examination.

"I wanted to explore the whole world. After the Nine Domains, I went to the endless ocean, but I found that many islands were desolate, clearly abnormal," Ren Tianxing began to recount his discovery.

He continued to move forward, during which he met Yan Jiu, and the two of them set off together. Before long, they discovered life.

It was the existence of insects.

There were those that swam on the sea surface, those that flew in the sky, and countless ones on many islands. There were even huge flying organisms carrying other insects, which were clearly a part of a gigantic group.

The two of them went for a closer investigation and, upon being discovered, a great war broke out.