Chapter 170: Invasion of the Foreign Race_2

"Want a ride?" Jiang Ming thought for a moment and laughed, "Why not, it's a good chance to enjoy the scenery of our Blue Star."

Qin Zhiyan's eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

After chatting for a while, they went their separate ways.

As night fell, Jiang Ming logged onto the school intranet and found many messages in his inbox.

For example, the school had officially confirmed his status as an Eighth tire Martial Artist, but with a 'Confidential' note attached.

"This must have been automatically measured when I returned through the World Gate."

"The more I think about it, the more terrifying the human foundation seems."

"Perhaps the Eighth Realm is just the beginning of martial arts!"

A long journey lies ahead, and I will explore it up and down.

With a calm spirit, Jiang Ming continued browsing.

His access had been updated and he could now view more secret information.

In addition, the school had rewarded him: ten trillion purchasing credits!

"How stingy!"