Chapter 184: Ye Bai's Downfall, The Birth of Beings in the Heart Realm

The sun sets on the West Mountain, thin mist under the rosy clouds.

Jiang Ming invited Wang Qiutong into his house, and straightly asked, "Between us, what is there to hesitate about?"

"I'm afraid of disturbing your cultivation, but you're the most suitable candidate." Wang Qiutong forced a bitter smile. "During these two months, I've nearly finished the fundamental courses, and in deep contemplation, I realized that I should be able to leave the city without any trouble relying on my own abilities. It just so happened that Liu Ruyan had the same idea, so we decided to travel together. That's when we encountered Ye Bai. After hearing our plans, he decided to come along with us."

"In the Lost Land, any power beyond the Ninth Realm will be weakened. The three of us working together should be more than enough to handle it."

"Indeed, we encountered numerous wandering creatures and monsters which we were able to easily dispatch."