Chapter 188: Eight-winged Fallen Angel

The Martial Arts Domain was easily torn apart?

Jiang Ming flashed a shocked expression.

He had now integrated thirty-two different True Meanings into his Martial Arts Golden Core. With each integration, not only would his True Qi quality soar, but the various attributes within his True Qi would become terrifyingly powerful when unleashed.

Able to kill anyone of the same rank with a flick of his fingers.

His Martial Arts Domain had also reached a level that ordinary people could hardly attain, making it almost impossible for Eight Realm Experts to suppress him.

Yet, it was torn apart by a blade of wind.

"Heavenly Stars Protection Skill!"

With a thought from Jiang Ming, all 365 acupoints in his body vibrated simultaneously. His True Qi spewed out, manifesting various phenomena, and merged with his Martial Arts Domain, forming an even more terrifying defensive force that slowed down the incoming blades of wind, eventually stopping them.