Chapter 196: She Died

Name: Liu Qing

Race: Wind Spirit Clan

Victories: 39

"Miss Liu!" Jiang Ming walked over, and the woman gave him the impression of being a member of the human race, yet she had a unique aura within her body.

"Heavenly Human Clan or Wind Spirit Clan, they both are branches of Human Clan." Noticing Jiang Ming's confusion, Liu Qing smiled gently like a willow brushing past his face.

She pointed her finger, and two sofas, a coffee table, a teapot, and two teacups appeared in front of her.

Seeing Jiang Ming's surprise, she laughed, "After winning thirty consecutive battles, you can freely choose many everyday items."

She picked up the teacup, poured two full cups, and then gracefully sat down.

She pointed her finger, and an invisible light screen emerged around them.

"Why did you call me over?" Jiang Ming sat down, swayed the teacup, and the intoxicating aroma wafting out refreshed his mind.

"Bored, just killing time." Liu Qing said with a faint smile.