Chapter 236: The Suspect's Crushed Doubts About Life

Principal Dongfang did not hide anything: "That's right, I have comprehended the Way of the Five Elements and evolved it into the Five Elements World."

"In our ancient philosophy, the Five Elements can evolve everything and are the foundation for constructing the real world."

"After comprehending the rules of the Five Elements and opening up the world, I began to make various attempts, trying to evolve my inner world into a real world."

"But there was still a significant gap."

"However, I was able to nurture plants and create oceans, among other things, in my inner world. Although it's not as real as the actual world, it can still be driven by the laws of the Five Elements and has a flow. The various Five Elements formations constructed in this way are even more powerful, and the world is more stable."

"My world is far superior to ordinary worlds, and so my projections are even more potent."