Chapter 246: Divine Realm Takes Action

Jiang Ming's strength made Lu Jiuhuang and Sparrow Emperor apprehensive.

They had already learned in detail about this human genius, who had cultivated to such a level in just a few years.

In a few more years, who knows how powerful he would become.

"Scorching Sun World, Nine Suns in the Sky."

Lu Jiuhuang directly manifested his inner world, and in an instant, the heavens and earth transformed. Nine blazing suns appeared ahead, their intense aura distorting the void.

The great sun in the sky burned everything.

"Departed Fire World, Phoenix Nirvana."

The Sparrow Emperor also summoned his own world, evolving it into a giant phoenix that burned with immeasurable flames.

As these two worlds appeared, they perfectly combined together, forming an even more terrifying world restraint.

The temperature instantly rose to an extreme.

World suppression.