Chapter 250: The Curse Master of the Twelfth Realm

At the Extreme North, a dark cloud appeared, and when Jiang Ming used the Eye of Fate to observe it, he felt shivers down his spine.

Within the cloud were countless wriggling tentacles, each covered with numerous eyes.

"Gui Zhang Tribe!"

Jiang Ming immediately made a judgment.

It was a frightening existence in the Twelfth Realm.

As if sensing something, the other party turned their gaze towards him. Instantly, the bizarre light emitted from the countless eyes made Jiang Ming's body tremble.

He felt as if his flesh and blood were writhing, his muscles and bones trembling, and his cells seemed to be imbued with a strange life, as they struggled to break free from their own imprints and become independent individuals.

Evil thoughts assaulted his mind.

Jiang Ming had a strong desire to retaliate but forcibly suppressed it. He shifted his thoughts and activated his power to suppress the various discomforts.

"Not bad, little guy!"

A low murmur reached Jiang Ming's ears.