Chapter 252: The Secret of the World of Secret Realm

Rule Fragments, either refining or comprehending, could easily enter the Tenth Realm. For beings with Ninth Realm Cultivation, this was an invaluable treasure.

Cosmic Origin Stones were condensed from Cosmic Origin Liquid. Jiang Ming knew that this was the most fundamental power in the cosmos.

Its value was even greater than that of Rule Fragments.

As for the Heart of the World?

When a Tenth Order Pinnacle strongman refines it, there's a great chance of stepping into the Eleventh Realm. This was a treasure that drove people mad. Once it appeared, even Twelfth Realm characters would scramble for it. Even if they didn't use it themselves, they could use it to cultivate their clansmen.

The Blood Woman he had once seen was besieged because of the Heart of the World.

What about Divine Crystals?

These were condensed divine powers, driving Twelfth Realm strongmen mad.