Chapter 273: Will of Heaven Knife, Erasure_1

Having passed through the door of the Secret Realm, Jiang Ming arrived at a place shrouded in mist, its vagueness enwrapping everything, making it impossible to see the surroundings clearly.

He released his power, but it failed to shake the slightest bit, which startled him.

In front of him, the fog twisted, revealing two portals, one inscribed with the words "Will of Heaven Knife," and the other marked with a single blood-red character: "Kill!"

Amid the obscurity, pieces of information were being conveyed to him, and Jiang Ming suddenly understood.

This was the first elimination round of the trial, with two modes to choose from.

The "Will of Heaven Knife" portal primarily tested one's will, while the other was a bloody battle; only by passing through would one be able to enter the true Battlefield of Geniuses.

If one couldn't pass, then elimination!


A chill ran down Jiang Ming's spine.

As for the specific content, he had no idea.