Chapter 294: Upper God_1

The appearance of Hong Ling was entirely unexpected for Jiang Ming.

His imposing aura roared mightily, pressuring all directions, intimidating the Various Heavens, and bringing about myriad anomalies in the twisted space, yet it only enveloped the surroundings.

"You really are unharmed." Hong Ling's eyebrows lifted slightly, "Truly worthy of someone who could withstand the Holy Dynasty's siege. Brother Jiang, I really underestimated you. But you also want to suppress me? Hah, you think too highly of yourself, and too little of me. Behind me, there are divine spirits, countless divine spirits."

Profound Light burst forth from her body, actually neutralizing Jiang Ming's oppression completely, which made Jiang Ming glance sideways. With the might he had displayed, how many could withstand it?

Very few.

"Is that so?"

Jiang Ming casually waved his hand, taking the Holy Heart into his Inner World, temporarily suppressing it to prevent accidents.