Chapter 303 Gene Metamorphosis, Ultimate Sublimation_1

Secret Room.

Jiang Ming sat cross-legged, motionless, holding a white jade bracelet in his hand, a gift from Hong Ling, containing a lake of spirit liquid, no, Origin Liquid.

In her words, there was no Divine Crystal, but the Origin Liquid was sufficient.

In the God Realm, other things might not be abundant, but this thing was not valued highly; she had prepared quite a bit when she descended. Jiang Ming inquired about the exact amount, and Hong Ling casually said: an ocean.

An ocean of Origin Liquid?

Jiang Ming almost burst into curse words: Holy shit.

That was a big deal.

However, he was certain that given Hong Ling's cunning nature, there must be more to it.

Even Divine Crystals would be present, and likely not in small quantities.

"She is a treasure trove; should I show some of the courage that befits a man?"

The thought sprouted in Jiang Ming's mind, but was immediately quashed.

He sank into his body to check his own condition.