Chapter 314: Transform into Pangu, Creation of Heaven and Earth_1


Within the Chaos.

Jiang Ming had evolved many divine skills, each one surpassing the pinnacle of the mortal world, containing powers that could burst Heaven and Earth, yet none broke through his confinement.

"How can it be so strong?" he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"Even Chaos has limitations, has its threshold of endurance, then I'll use a power that surpasses the limit, I don't believe it can't be broken!"

Jiang Ming's combat spirit surged, and Killing Qi billowed around him.

The malicious aura hidden deep in his heart was constantly churning as well.

"Law of Heaven and Earth, three hundred layers!"

This was the insight of the last few decades, three hundred layers, equivalent to a three-hundred-fold amplification of power.

He originally couldn't reach this level with this divine skill.