Chapter 38: Poor People, Ghosts in the Construction Site!

Inside the project department, it suddenly became quiet.

All eyes were on Ma Long.

Ma Long felt somewhat uncomfortable under their gazes, but as it concerned his family's property, how could he back down at this time?

He suddenly braced himself, raised his head and confidently said, "I have a brother who is a disciple of Heavenly Master, skilled in exorcising ghosts and evil spirits. If you all trust me, let's wait for a day, and when tomorrow comes, I'll have him perform a ritual at the construction site to catch the ghost. What do you think?"

A group of workers whispered for a moment before asking, "Are you Mr. Ma?"

"Alright, we'll trust Mr. Ma for this once!"

After they left one after another, Ma Long felt weak in the legs and plopped down onto a chair, "Dad, Mom, what on earth is going on?"

"Our construction site was going well, how did it suddenly become haunted?"
