Chapter 41: Little sister, why are you crying so sadly?

Xu Yang looked up.

In the construction site, uncompleted buildings were unevenly distributed, and tower cranes soared into the night sky.

The moonlight tonight was quite bright.

However, the entire construction site was shrouded in an inexplicable darkness.

The orange lights from the lamps cast eerie shadows everywhere, and the areas not illuminated by the lamps seemed to be hiding something moving stealthily.

A dark cloud seemed to hover over the entire construction site!

Ordinary people with untrained eyes couldn't see this, but with Xu Yang's magic, everything was clear!

"This female ghost can provide me with 30 merit points at once. Although it's not as good as a genuine red-clothed fierce ghost, it's not too far off!"

Xu Yang became even more puzzled in his thoughts!

This kind of ghost was stronger than the fire ghost and water ghost he had encountered before.