Chapter 76: Luring with the "Dragon", Fun with the Ghosts! _2

The two left the cattle farms mentioned by Ma Long behind them.

Gradually, the paved road disappeared, replaced by a rugged sandy stone path.

This old, neglected road had some pits blown out by floods, but it was still passable for their vehicle.

A small hill appeared before them.

Ma Long sat in the car, staring at the hill, and exclaimed, "That's right, over there... it's that ruined temple!"

The two got out of the car and followed the bluestone path through the weeds to the entrance of the ruined temple. A few large trees around the temple were already dead, with crows perched on the withered trunk, cawing.

An aura of desolation washed over them.

"Are you sure this is the place?"

Xu Yang looked around.

He sensed a faint Yin energy, but it was not dense. This indicated that no Yin spirits or ghosts were present in the ruined temple at the moment. The Yin energy was just a remnant left behind by the ghosts after staying here previously.

Which was normal.