Chapter 106: Come, help me push the coffin lid!

In the fourth year of Daxing in Eastern Jin Emperor Yuan (321 AD), Xu Xun lived in seclusion in the ancient site of Meixian Temple in Nanchang Southern Suburbs, founded a Daoist academy, named Tai Chi Temple, which was also called "Jingming Realm" and established the Jingming Sect.

It is said that Xu Xun achieved Dao on the first day of the Lunar August in the second year of Ningkang in Eastern Jin (374 AD). On the day of his achievement, his whole family of forty-two people, including their dogs and chickens, flew into the sky and became immortals.

The allusion of one person achieving Dao and the dogs and chickens ascending to immortality might have come from this.

Xu Yang looked up the deeds of "Miraculous Salvation True Lord Miaoji" Celestial Master Xu Xun on the Internet and somewhat believed Minister Wang's words...

If even their dogs and chickens had ascended to heaven, how could there be any descendants?