Chapter 109: Revenge Doesn't Wait Overnight, The Land of Immortals! _3

"If you, the Lu Shan Sect, insist on tearing your faces apart, then don't blame our Spirits Management Bureau for not showing any mercy. We'll investigate your collusion with the Asura Sect to harm the higher-ups of our Spirits Management Bureau,"

This was an open threat.

Without the slightest hint of concealment.

The meaning couldn't be clearer.

If the younger generation of the Lu Shan Sect wants to compete with Xu Yang, that's fine, but if the older generation wants to get involved, then our Spirits Management Bureau will have to deal with you!

The color on Lin Chaosheng's face turned the color of a pig's liver.

One of the Lu Shan Sect disciples, indignant, stepped forward and angrily said, "How can your Spirits Management Bureau do this? Our Lu Shan Sect is not easy to bully..."


What responded to him was a palm from Zhou Jie across the air.