Chapter 111: If the grass is not removed by the roots, it will grow again when the wind blows! _2

He was a disciple of the Li Clan among the Chen, Lin, and Li branches of the Lu Shan Sect. His name was Li Dong and he was only twenty-five years old, having already entered the Dao and being one of the most outstanding talents in the Lu Shan Sect in recent years.

This time when participating in the Daoist skills conference, the Lu Shan Sect arranged for Lin Chaosheng to compete for rankings, while arranging for Li Dong to get some experience and exposure.

At this moment, the faces of the Lu Shan Sect's people were unpleasant, especially Li Dong, who said in a deep voice, "Elder Lin, that Rush Thunder Hand Zhou Jie, as the head of the Spirits Management Bureau's Shanxi Branch, is blatantly interfering in martial world affairs and openly violating the agreements reached between the Spirits Management Bureau and major martial forces in those days, it's simply disrespectful to our major Daoist Sects and martial forces!"