Chapter 120: Today, I, Wang, will commence a killing spree!

Xu Yang did not notice anything unusual about the hotel staff member.

Neither did he realize that the "Buddha statue" was hiding a secret.

At this moment, he had already rushed out of the hotel.

He hailed a taxi, getting in with Yun Mengxi while Yue Yuluo transformed into a Yin wind and only manifested when she landed on the back seat.

The taxi driver was startled, thinking he had seen wrongly, and asked, "Sir, where to?"

"Out of town, to the south."

Xu Yang said, "I'll guide you, drive quickly!"

The mountain where the "Xuan Mountain Temple" was located did not have a name.

It was an unremarkable small mountain in the Qinling Mountains, not far from Li Mountain, about 1100 meters above sea level, full of unusual rocks. The mountain path was steep, rarely frequented by people.

Yet now,

A powerful pickup truck drove quickly to the foot of the mountain.

Four people stepped out of the vehicle.

The leader, a burly man, was holding a big jar.