Chapter 126: Little Daoist, How Do You Want to Die?

"The talisman brush and talisman paper are prepared props, so naturally, you can choose them."

The master from Zongsheng Palace glanced at the time on his phone and said, "However, there are less than 30 minutes left before the third assessment officially begins. I'm afraid there won't be enough time to draw talismans... Perhaps Master Xu can consider other tools?"

It was already 11:30 pm.

The third assessment of the Daoist Conference, the "Ghost Catching Competition," would officially begin at midnight.

According to the competition's rules, each participant could choose two tools.

The Thousand-year-old Thunderstruck Peachwood Sword was a must-have, and every cultivator participating in the competition, apart from Xu Yang, had to prepare one. Other items, such as chicken blood and black dog blood, were up to individual preferences.

As for drawing talismans on the spot with a talisman brush and talisman paper like Xu Yang?