Chapter 137: Killing and Guarding the Corpse! (Please Subscribe)


Yun Mengxi grumbled: "Why bother burying her for these Asura Sect scums? Just let the Spirits Management Bureau people take her away or throw her in the wild to feed the dogs... Why so troublesome?"

"Heaven cherishes all life, death is like the snuffing of a lamp, the past like mist. Since she's dead, let's give her a proper resting place."

Xu Yang spoke in a compassionate tone.

Since he had already decided, the women naturally would not oppose his decision.

He immediately went to the landlord's room and asked, "Could you lend me a sheet, sir?"


The landlord was a bit nervous at the sight of Xu Yang, and without saying a word, he pulled the sheet from his bed. It was his wife who had a bit more courage and came out of the kitchen saying, "Thank you for your help last night. If it wasn't for you, my husband and I might have already been harmed."

"A simple favor, hardly worth mentioning,"