Chapter 144: There is a difference between magic and sorcery! _2

If they hadn't been unconscious and lying on the ground at the time, but standing there, they would have been killed by the aftershocks of the battle and the energy explosion from the self-destruction of the Great Priest of Xuan Mountain Temple...

Despite complaining in his heart, Xu Yang's expression remained calm, and he said indifferently, "The reason they are unconscious is that they were invaded by evil energy. Unless that evil energy is expelled, they won't wake up even if you cut them."

Evil energy... invading their bodies?

The hotel lobby manager was startled.

So were the hotel staff and curious guests who were watching the excitement. However, when they saw Xu Yang's Daoist robe, they showed an "enlightened" expression.

A Daoist, after all.

Using some professional terms seemed normal.

The hotel lobby manager asked, "Master, how should we treat them? Do you want me to call an ambulance?"

"No need."