Chapter 180: In Dao Ye's own dream, can you still bully me? _2

Xu Yang painted a few more "purification talismans" and quickly mastered this talisman art. Not only could he achieve a 100% completion rate, but he could also complete one talisman per minute.

"Once I become more proficient, I should be able to complete one talisman in just tens of seconds."

Xu Yang then practiced the "Substitution Mantra."

Although he drew the talisman correctly, it had no effect.

"It seems that this talisman is indeed only useful after reaching the Divine Transcendence Realm..."

"As for this Fire talisman, although it's a bit more difficult, my Fire Method has already entered the Dao, so I can try to learn it."

Xu Yang attempted to draw the "Fire talisman" and quickly encountered the same situation as with the "Wulei Talisman."

Halfway through drawing the talisman, the talisman paper couldn't withstand the power and began to burn on its own.