Chapter 184: Master Xu, Wang has come to have a cup of wedding wine!

Watching Liu Shishi and Yun Mengxi leave, Xu Yang let out a long sigh!

His wedding day had involved a trip to the underworld... It was simply too thrilling, and frankly, he still felt a bit dazed even now!

Back then in the dungeon of Fengdu City, Xu Yang had even felt despair...

Fortunately, he made it back just in time.

Otherwise, his beautiful wives would have ended up being widows, wouldn't they?

Lighting a cigarette, he took a few silent drags before finally heading downstairs.

He found a copper basin and some paper money to burn for the two underworld soldiers he had met in the Fengdu City dungeon. As he did so, he couldn't help but think, "It seemed like that Judge said the Ghost Emperor arranged for him to see me."

"Which Ghost Emperor was it?"

Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu?

Or one of the five Ghost Emperors under his command?